As a complement to the word checker widget, here's v1.0 of a Scrabble word finder - although it works as a general purpose anagram finder too.
Simply enter between 2 and 15 letters hit return and the widget will show you all the possible words.
Enter a '?' to represent a blank, up to two can be used
Dictionary: The widget uses the latest international english Scrabble word list (SOWPODS). Look here for other dictionaries/languages.
Enter '??' in the widget to see all two letter words.
Download here
OS X 10.5 Compatible (10.4 version here)
This site and widget is in no way affiliated to the official Scrabble game which is the trademark of Hasbro in the US and Canada, and J.W.Spear & Sons elsewhere.
Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger is required. If you're using Safari, click the download link. When the widget download is complete, Show Dashboard, click the Plus sign to display the Widget Bar and click the widget's icon in the Widget Bar to open it. If you're using a browser other than Safari, click the download link. When the widget download is complete, unarchive it and place it in /Library/Widgets/ in your home folder. Show Dashboard, click the Plus sign to display the Widget Bar and click the widget's icon in the Widget Bar to open it.
Excellent work!
I've created multiple widgets, and have had a descrabbler in the back of my mind.. but lazily never took the time to even approach it. I haven't even looked at your code yet, but I'm sure it's lots of stuff that I didn't think of.
Thanks for taking the time and effort for all of us Scrabble lovers out there.
The word finder prg should be good, if it ever downloads. It has been hung for 30 minutes at 631 kb with no sign of progress. Do you connect via broadband or are you still on dialup?
your site isn't any good. Downloads hang after around 15%.
Not very good!!!!
The wigets are hosted on GoDaddy's servers - maybe they were having an temporary outage as they seem fine now - let me know if you are still having problems.
Link doesn't work...
I love your dictionary widget.
Link fixed!
Is there a newer version available? I'm on OS X 10.4.11, and nothing happens when I click the "?" on this version. In the console, I see "2008-03-29 08:48:20.137 DashboardClient[26136] (com.keilly.widget.WordFinder) file:///Users/my_user_name/Library/Widgets/Word%20Finder.wdgt/Word%20Finder.html: Object (result of expression lookup) does not allow calls. (line: 27)
(event handler):Object (result of expression lookup) does not allow calls."
Both a 10.4 version and a 10.5 version are linked to above. Have you tried both?
I no longer have access to a 10.4 machine, so if you have tried it and it doesn't work I can't really help.
The 10.4 version should work though.
I tried the 10.5 version on a 10.5 computer, and it worked once, after I logged out and logged back in. But I couldn't get it to work again (it kept reporting No Bingos), and there were no errors reported in Console.
But, I found that the 10.4 version would work on my 10.5 computer. It only reports words that use all letters though - i.e. if I put in seven letters, it only comes back with seven letter words. It would be nice to also get six letter words, five letter words, etc.
Thanks for Word Finder.
Hi Kevin,
I think returning all the sub words sounds like a nice idea but the possible combinations could run to the hundreds or thousands of words. Might be a few too many for the widget.
Great widget!
it works fine!
download links dont work again. would be fantastic if the word finder worked more like http://www.wineverygame.com/
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